Saturday, January 2, 2010
5 notes for 2010.
aaaa~ lme x tulis blog. da 2010. PMR. haish. cuti ni x blajar ape2 pown bai! nyway. disebabkan result tahun lepas yg terok uh.. ak pown mkin mlas nak blajar.. haha. tpi no way. ak x kan klah ngan dua2 kakak ak uh. dieorg leh dpt straight a's sume exam asl ak x leh? ak ngaku ak ngan kakak2 ak bnyk beza.. mungkin sbb dieorg dok asrama. rajin gle. i'm spoiled too much. anak bongsu.. sume bende dpt. tengok je laa page ni.. ak terpesong jauh. i hope i can change myself. nevermind. i believe people can change. tajuk entri ni 5 notes for 2010. tpi 5 notes tu biarlah ak je yg tau. and i will make sure those 5 things will success. gud luck everyone in ur live. for those seniors, yg dah pass alm skolah. gud luck. lets us pray for ur success.
Friday, October 9, 2009
What happen?
ape ni.. serius ak x pham. wut happen? sori ak x tanye ko.. im ur bestfriend, tpi ak x sedar pown ko dlm msalah. sori ak x tanye. yes, ko buat ak risau sejak ko moody, tpi ak takut nak tanye. takut ko x ske. sori ak x jd pendengar yang baek. ak nanges kot bce ko tulis nak pindah. xkan ko nak tinggal ak camtu je. yes, salah ak, ak x tanye ko, ak x de di sisi ko ble ko perlukan ak. but please. jgn buat ak camni. ak risau. ak risau sjak ko moody dulu. but ak takut nak tanye ko, takut ko x ske.. share with me. ur problem. nape ni.. i told u before, klu ade pape yang ko rase ko nak bgitau ak, bagitau je. ak x nak tanye sbb ak ingatkan ko akan cite kat ak bile ko da sedia, tpi rupanya ko tunggu ak tanye ko..
i'm sorry. i love u. and i always be with u no matter what.
i'm sorry. i love u. and i always be with u no matter what.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Kesihatan Itu Ape?
ouh. ak x sihat. ak dah lupe mcamane rasenye sihat. pening gile. meletop kepala. paling ar. tdi, ak dtang skolah seperti biase, *ak dtang awal gile, harap maklum, dlm keadaan yg x sedia. x sedia nak study, sampai skolah, ak terus ke tandas, tetibe, buuaarrkk, ak muntah, ahaha, paling ar muntah pagi2. adoi. -.-' da ar ade sorang kakak form 3, die btolkan tudung die, die nampak laa ak menangis, aha. pastu, ak gagahkan diri ak pergi tapak perhimpunan, paling, ramai lak berucap, ak punye ar tahan muntah uh, pastu Pn Mai ckap sape yg x sehat tu balek, ak da cam T-T. adoii. ari ni serius ak dlm keadaan yg x baek, memang cam taik ar, dgn tudung ak x btol sume, tpi ak x pkir pon sume tu, yg ak pkir ble nak abes skolah ni.. thanks to zaty ngan sume kawan2 ak yg jga ak tdi, sory susahkan korang, ak nak blek, tpi ak x nak call mak ak, menyusahkan plak, so, ak bertahan sampai abes skolah, abes skolah ak terus balek tumpang aiyuz, *selama ni ak balek jln kaki, tpi sbb ak x larat nak jln, ak tumpang aiyuz, thanks aiyuz. uurgh. paling ar, sume yg ak blajar sume x msok otk, daa laa pgi tdi ade ujian BI, sori laa teacher klau result x baek, haha. subjek last tdi mase Science. paling ar nak naek tingkat tiga tu. Ya Allah! kat lab uh, ak dok sbelah zaza, awl2 uh ak leh ar tahan lgi, 20 minit terakhir subjek tu, ak ckap kat zaza, 'Za, ak x tahan ar. nak muntah.' zaza dah x tau nak wat pe, die soh ak gi tandas, tpi ak x terdaya nak gi, hoho. blek umah terus ak TERmuntah. ahah, pastu ak terus tido, pkul 6.30 tdi bru ak bangun. gi sembahyang asar sume, tdi ak mkan ckit nasi, tpi x dpat bertahan, terus TERmuntah balek, doakan la ak baek balek, bsok ade pekse Geo, susah ar klu ak x dtang besok. ak doa ak baek la sbelum besok, amin.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
what a full day.
ari ni banyak bende berlaku, tpi ak x de mse nak tulis panjang, yg ak pasti ak penat gle dan bsok lak ade pekse sains ngan m3. serious ak x rse ak boleh wat bsok. skunk ni ak agk dlm keadaan yg tidak baek, harap maklum.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Hati Hancur
citenye mule camni, semalam, ak gi alam ngan diyan ngan byron. kononnye nak tengok Harry Potter. malangnye x dapat. sedih gle. ak da bising2 nak tengok cite ni dri isnin ari tu, dari isnin ari tu ak ajk sume kawan2 ak. tpi rmai x leh gi, tanye laa dieorg, punye gile ak bising. tpi smalam, ble sampai kat cinema uh, ak pon terus beratur nak ble tiket, da nak smpai kat kounter uh, tetibe ak nampak kat screen ats die kate tiket untuk Harry Potter da abes mse uh, yg ade kol 6.30 ptang. arrrgghh!!!!!!!!!! pastu ak dengan malunye, kuar dri barisan uh, selit celah2 kesesakan uh. paling malu siot. da ar x dpat tengok. T-T. ak memang da nak nanges mase uh. serius. hati ak hancoorrss.
tu je la satu2 nye peluang ak dpat tengok. ak kan susah nak kuar umah. bgi yg x knal ak lgi uh, biar ak gitau, AKU MEMANG X SUKE KLUAR RUMAH. ak akn kuar ble terdesak ataupon ble penting je. setakat gi kedai seberang umah mungkin ak gi, klu nak gi kuar shopping ke, ak x pnah ikot, klu ak ikot pon, ak x ske mintak ape2, mak ak yg nanti blikan ak kasut ke ape. serius ak x ske kuar, mak ak ske shopping, sori ar, ak x ske. serius ak pening klu gi tempat rmai2 cam KL uh. tpi ni je la. ak rse ni la pertama kali ak semangat nak kuar, tpi x dpat tengok lak. mungkin korang rase cam bende kecik, tpi serius ak sedih gle. ye, ak memang pelik.
nyway, sbb x dpat tengok, ak, diyan ngan byron merayap la kat alam uh, kiteorg gi speedy. hah! ni lgi satu yg wat hati ak hancurs. paling ar, kat depan2 speedy uh terpampang album dbsk ngan shinee, pastu ak explore speedy uh, ak x jumpe album super junior!!! damn! memang siot. gle ar!!! paling, sume ak jumpe, snsd, wonder girls, shinee, big bang, rain, lee jun ki, dbsk, sume ak jumpe tpi album super junior x de!! eee..
pastu kiteorg gi MPH. bla bla bla, gi mkan sume, aahh! terlupe, byron dtang lambat au, pastu ble die dtang, die ckap, kat dlm bas die ade jumpe senior ni, *x nak gitau name, pastu senior tu ckap, 'ni mesti gi dating ngan jihan.' shit. paling ar. ak bukan cam sesetengah senior yang menggatal, berdating, berkapel melabih, peluk2, sory ar. org laen nak ckap camtu x pe au, ni yang ckap nye senior yang cam.. *ak x kan penah respect senior cam taik. ingat org x nampak ke ko ngan awek ko wat pe. sory ar ak ckap, dri tahun lepas ak memang respect ko, ak angap ko pengawas yg dedikasi ar. kite penah berbual sume, tpi ble ak nampak dengan mata kepala ak sendiri, ape yg ko wat ngan awek ko, terus respect ak hilang. *maaf, ak meluat ngan senior ak sorang je. senior laen baik jangan risau.
sambong cite, pastu ak gi MPH survey bku baru, ade laa bku2 yg ak nak bli, tpi sbb x de duit, ak bli je la komik bla bla bla. pastu balek. hoho. abes cite.
p/s : SHIBARA RIHITO <3333
tu je la satu2 nye peluang ak dpat tengok. ak kan susah nak kuar umah. bgi yg x knal ak lgi uh, biar ak gitau, AKU MEMANG X SUKE KLUAR RUMAH. ak akn kuar ble terdesak ataupon ble penting je. setakat gi kedai seberang umah mungkin ak gi, klu nak gi kuar shopping ke, ak x pnah ikot, klu ak ikot pon, ak x ske mintak ape2, mak ak yg nanti blikan ak kasut ke ape. serius ak x ske kuar, mak ak ske shopping, sori ar, ak x ske. serius ak pening klu gi tempat rmai2 cam KL uh. tpi ni je la. ak rse ni la pertama kali ak semangat nak kuar, tpi x dpat tengok lak. mungkin korang rase cam bende kecik, tpi serius ak sedih gle. ye, ak memang pelik.
nyway, sbb x dpat tengok, ak, diyan ngan byron merayap la kat alam uh, kiteorg gi speedy. hah! ni lgi satu yg wat hati ak hancurs. paling ar, kat depan2 speedy uh terpampang album dbsk ngan shinee, pastu ak explore speedy uh, ak x jumpe album super junior!!! damn! memang siot. gle ar!!! paling, sume ak jumpe, snsd, wonder girls, shinee, big bang, rain, lee jun ki, dbsk, sume ak jumpe tpi album super junior x de!! eee..
pastu kiteorg gi MPH. bla bla bla, gi mkan sume, aahh! terlupe, byron dtang lambat au, pastu ble die dtang, die ckap, kat dlm bas die ade jumpe senior ni, *x nak gitau name, pastu senior tu ckap, 'ni mesti gi dating ngan jihan.' shit. paling ar. ak bukan cam sesetengah senior yang menggatal, berdating, berkapel melabih, peluk2, sory ar. org laen nak ckap camtu x pe au, ni yang ckap nye senior yang cam.. *ak x kan penah respect senior cam taik. ingat org x nampak ke ko ngan awek ko wat pe. sory ar ak ckap, dri tahun lepas ak memang respect ko, ak angap ko pengawas yg dedikasi ar. kite penah berbual sume, tpi ble ak nampak dengan mata kepala ak sendiri, ape yg ko wat ngan awek ko, terus respect ak hilang. *maaf, ak meluat ngan senior ak sorang je. senior laen baik jangan risau.
sambong cite, pastu ak gi MPH survey bku baru, ade laa bku2 yg ak nak bli, tpi sbb x de duit, ak bli je la komik bla bla bla. pastu balek. hoho. abes cite.
p/s : SHIBARA RIHITO <3333
Thursday, July 23, 2009
New Song
They Don't Care About Us
by Michael Jackson
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shock dead
Everybody's gone mad
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Do me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, strike me
Don't you black or white me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me of my pride
Oh, for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
trepidation, speculation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
black man, black mail
Throw your brother in jail
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation
Everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Some things in life they just don't wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, segregation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Kick me, strike me
Don't you wrong or right me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
* lagu ni fully by MJ. first time ak bce lirik die memang paling ar. MJ, you great.
by Michael Jackson
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang, shock dead
Everybody's gone mad
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Do me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, strike me
Don't you black or white me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me of my pride
Oh, for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
trepidation, speculation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
black man, black mail
Throw your brother in jail
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation
Everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me
You can never trash me
Hit me, kick me
You can never get me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Some things in life they just don't wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be
Skin head, dead head
Everybody gone bad
Situation, segregation
Everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food
Kick me, strike me
Don't you wrong or right me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
* lagu ni fully by MJ. first time ak bce lirik die memang paling ar. MJ, you great.
Hear Me.
ouh, otk ak da kusut seperti benang yg dipintal-pintal. ape ni? ak x tau nak memahami keadaan
mcm ne. ak sendiri x pham keadaan sebenarnye camne. ak x pham. ak rase pelik, x tau nape. awkward. even though you guys besides me, calling my name, makes jokes in front me, but i still feel that sumthing disappeared. sorry. sorry for everything. sorry for not being a good friend for you guys. sorry i'm not there when you guys need me.
mcm ne. ak sendiri x pham keadaan sebenarnye camne. ak x pham. ak rase pelik, x tau nape. awkward. even though you guys besides me, calling my name, makes jokes in front me, but i still feel that sumthing disappeared. sorry. sorry for everything. sorry for not being a good friend for you guys. sorry i'm not there when you guys need me.
Puteri Nuraliah Husna Binti Mohd Tajudin
Munira Binti Hasnim
Najwa Binti Abdullah Zubir
Fairuz Aisya Binti Mustapha
Nur Izzati Binti Mazlan
'Ain Sajda Binti Alayudin
Amira Elisya Binti Mohd Pauzi
Nur Maisarah Binti Roslan
Aqilah Binti Abdul Aziz
Byron Clifford Belantocas.
[ gmbr die terdelete. ahaha. nanti ak ambik gmbr ko blek eh.. xD]
Muhd. Faez Bin Abu Othman
Amir Farid Bin Jifridin
Nur Izzati Binti Mazlan
'Ain Sajda Binti Alayudin
Amira Elisya Binti Mohd Pauzi
Nur Maisarah Binti Roslan
Aqilah Binti Abdul Aziz
Byron Clifford Belantocas.
[ gmbr die terdelete. ahaha. nanti ak ambik gmbr ko blek eh.. xD]
Muhd. Faez Bin Abu Othman
Amir Farid Bin Jifridin
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